S.I.P. #1: Margarita

This post is my contribution to the first Russian Internet imbibers event called «S.I.P.».

At first blush similar to «Mixology Monday», our event is targeted to few Russian-speaking cocktail bloggers who already knew each other. We just want to share our passion and ideas with other Russian imbibers and to invite new people to join our cocktail community. And the main differences from MixMo will be very close and friendly atmosphere and much more opinions and discussions.

Well, the topic for the first event is Margarita, famous tequila-based cocktail.

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Honeysuckle Cocktails

In our garden we have some honeysuckle shrubs. That plant is very important in the beginning of the June when it usually starts to fruit, first of all shrubs. Blue and sour berries are similar to bilberry in taste and appearance but honeysuckle berries are sourer though .

This summer our honeysuckle had time to fruit before heavy heat burnt down all plants and shrubs and forced trees to drop their fruits.

I’ve managed to gather a lot of honeysuckle berries and enjoyed it in daiquiri. Later I’ve thought that I would make some new cocktails and started to experiment on it.

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Salty Chihuahua

One day I lurked on cocktails blogs (it’s my usual pastime when I drink something usual – hot spiced tea with rum or just a dram of whisky). I was searching for something fresh and easy…

An then I found beautiful and simple recipe on the blog called White on Rice Couple. It was “Salty Chihuahua”, a variation on famous “Salty Dog” where tequila was used instead of gin (or vodka).

Very simple but I was so hungry for bright summer drinks and I love dogs so much… So I did it!

I love big glasses so I took my double rock glass and converted initial proportions for it:

Salty Chihuahua

  • 60 ml tequila,
  • 120 ml fresh red grapefruit juice.

Shake briefly and strain into glass filled with ice. Salt rim is highly recommended.

I preferred tequila reposado to blanco. At that time my choice was Leyenda Milagro Reposado, a common reposado tequila with decent taste. I thought that it should be able to control double volume of sour grapefuit juice.
The result you can see at the picture below: monumental pink drink.

Salty Chihuahua

Last month I was obsessed with pink cocktails, usually bitter or sour. And this one is the same, light refreshing drink without sugar.

A little bit pepper in aftertaste, sour grapefruit juice prevails thanks to backing received from 100%-agave tequila reposado with bright bitter and smoky palate.

Truly I was a bit sceptical about this recipe because of lack of sweetening (or bittering) agent there. I was ready to meet a drink with flat and simple taste. And I was totally wrong!

First minute I just sipped with great relish.

Later strange taste associations appeared, mainly vegetable: winter cherry, ripening strawberry and (most prominent) brown tomatoes. All these aftertastes were very light and short but in whole “Salty Chihuahua” was very unexpected, a bit psychedelic experience for me.